
Spotlight Series: A Conversation with Carrie Boschan

Spotlight Series
November 23, 2022

In the PayNearMe Spotlight Series, we shine a light on the people that make our company thrive. In this month’s interview, we sat down with Carrie Boschan, Strategic Account Manager, to chat about her role in the company, why she loves working for PayNearMe and her hobbies outside of work.

Q: Can you tell us about your career journey and what led you to PayNearMe? 

Carrie Boschan: I actually have a degree in retail and fashion merchandising from the University of South Carolina and worked for several big-named retailer brands prior to joining the tech industry. I worked in the footwear, jewelry, accessories and apparel industries.

I also managed the prepaid and bill pay category at a large national retailer (Family Dollar) as an Account Manager that helped to implement PayNearMe. 

To bring things more full circle, after managing specialty grocery for a large southeastern grocery chain, and realizing it was the wrong career move, it became evident that I needed to get back into fintech. A former partner from my earlier prepaid days posted that she was hiring for the Account Manager position at PayNearMe, and that’s how I found my way to PayNearMe! Very small world!

Q: Have you always wanted to pursue a career in account management?

CB: Honestly, I don’t think I even knew account management was an option. When I walked across the stage as a proud little 21-year-old, I thought I would become a famous window dresser! At that time, I didn’t realize the logical side of my brain would lead me to a strategic planning/logistics career in retail, which would ultimately lead me to a bridge between retailers and business partners like the role I played with Family Dollar during the PayNearMe implementation.

Q: Going into this industry, did you find there was a balance between genders in leadership positions?

CB: I wouldn’t say specifically in account management, but the leadership positions were definitely more male dominated–particularly in fintech. At PayNearMe, however, I’ve seen far more gender diversity than anywhere else I’ve ever worked. This is the most diverse team I’ve ever worked with. PayNearMe really seems to have this trust in its team that I’ve never experienced at any other company.

In my opinion, it doesn’t feel like they promote specific genders to leadership positions just to “have it on paper,” but they do so because those are the right people for the job.

Q: How has PayNearMe helped you in your career development?

CB: Since joining PayNearMe, every step has developed my confidence and my understanding of the importance of a career in fintech. One thing I’ve come to realize is that not all fintechs are created equal. Where PayNearMe differs is we have a strong team. No matter which area of the business you’re looking at within PayNearMe, I swear, we have the best of the best. 

Consistently being around excellence has taught me how to trust in the products we deliver, trust in our teams to deliver on everything that they are experts at and have a different level of confidence that I’ve never experienced before in my career.

Q: Do you have any advice to share with those who are just getting into the fintech industry who might want to join a company like PayNearMe?

CB: It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s a feel-good career because you’re solving for gaps in the industry and helping millions of customers make their payments more conveniently. At the end of the day, I feel like I’ve been a part of an organization that makes people’s lives easier. 

Fintech is innovative and fast, so my advice would be that you have to be willing to embrace constant change and know that no day will ever be the same.

Q: What are some of your favorite things about working at PayNearMe?

CB: Like I mentioned before, the PayNearMe team is made up of smart, incredibly talented people. In addition, the product offering makes it easy to sell as a full solution. However, my favorite part about working at PayNearMe is the empowerment I’m given to do my job, coupled with being in a remote atmosphere. I trust in the company and in return, PayNearMe trusts in me, and that is such a great feeling. 

Q: Let’s shift the focus to your role. What does a day in the life of an Account Manager look like?

CB: Busy! I wear a lot of hats; one minute I’m a liaison between my merchants, accounting and support. Next, I’m working with legal and sales. It’s something totally different every minute of every day, but it keeps me on my toes and on the edge of my seat because no day is the same. I honestly don’t want it to be, though, and I think that’s why I enjoy being an Account Manager. 

My role is making sure my merchants are using all of the PayNearMe product offerings that make sense for their specific business structure. This falls back into one of our corporate values of doing the right thing. This means I only pitch the products and services that make sense for the merchant, so I’m not going to try to sell them on a product or service that won’t benefit their business and customers.

Q: Let’s talk about remote work. How are you able to stay connected with your team virtually?

CB: This is a non-issue for me! I’m very engaged with my Account Management team. I’m even part of the Employee Engagement Committee which has helped me build relationships outside the Account Management team. This committee demonstrates how PayNearMe strives to keep team members connected and happy even though we’re geographically dispersed. 

Q: What are some things that you’ve learned about yourself while working at PayNearMe?

CB: I’ve learned that I really love Microsoft excel–maybe too much! Ultimately, it tells me I love tools to make me better at my job.

Q: So let’s shift gears a little and talk about you—what kinds of activities or hobbies are you interested in outside of work?

CB: My big time hobby is my prized possession, which is my 1964 & 1/2 Mustang convertible! Her name is Glinda the Good Mustang. Glinda has won four trophies from various car shows so far. 

I have loved Mustangs my entire life. When I went off to college, my parents surprised me with a 1996 Mustang and I’ve pretty much been hooked since. When I had to let that car go due to mechanical problems, I promised myself I would eventually get the original Mustang. I finally found “the one” and purchased it back in April. 

I was recently nominated to be a board member of the Carolinas Chapter of the Regional Mustang Club and I’ll find out in December if I made it!    

My other hobby is also my little eight pound Shih Tzu, Truvy, named after Dolly Parton’s character in Steel Magnolias.

Q: If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

CB: I would be a window dresser. I would also love to be a handbag and luggage designer because I love creating efficiencies so it would be all about the pockets! I think this speaks to my love of organization. 

I’d also be an advocate for women in classic cars and maybe start my own club one day to help younger women get involved.

Q: Any fun facts you’d like to share with us?

CB: I live on the border of North and South Carolina. My mailbox is in South Carolina, but less than 50 yards out my back door is Charlotte, North Carolina, so I guess you could say I am a “Proper Carolina Girl!”

Q: Do you participate in any volunteer work or have any organizations you’d like to shine a light on?

CB: I take part in the 24 Hours of Booty® Change the Course of Cancer cycling fundraiser. This year, the event raised $1.3 million to help support cancer survivorship and patient navigation programs. It’s a lot of fun and I’m really proud of the work the organization does.  

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