Increase successful payments on invoiced tolls

A recent cashless tolling analysis showed that the cost savings generated through the elimination of cash collections did not offset the increased Pay By Plate costs.1

Improve collectability
IBTTA data suggests that 45-50% of unpaid invoices go uncollected. PayNearMe offers a frictionless, inclusive way to drive up collectability of invoices.
Smart, personalized QR codesDrivers can scan a personalized QR code to pay an invoice, without having to key in a license plate, invoice number or amount due.
More ways to payGo beyond debit cards and ACH by offering a variety of digital wallets, mobile payments and cash at retail.
Easy integrationQR code payments can be easily added to your payments stack, with little to no IT involvement.

Inclusive payment options
Millions of Americans are unbanked or underbanked, and many others simply prefer not to enter sensitive payment information online. PayNearMe offers a variety of equitable payment options that offer a lifeline to these individuals to pay.
Accept cash at 60k+ retail storesEnable cash payments at popular retail locations including participating 7-Eleven, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart stores.
Tap into popular mobile walletsAllow drivers to pay with a stored balance on Cash App, PayPal and Venmo, without typing in sensitive payment data.
Lower customer support callsOffering more self-service payment options reduces call the load on customer support teams, lowering overhead costs.
Increase transponder adoption
Not all invoiced drivers are unbanked or out of state—many are locals who have yet to adopt a transponder or setup a pay-by-plate account. PayNearMe offers smart prompts after a payment to help drive up transponder adoption. By autofilling details from the invoice, we can make it simple to pass through data and make transponder adoption even easier.

Payments, meet progress.
PayNearMe is the award-winning platform that makes payments easy, flexible and reliable for toll authorities. Request a personalized demo to see how our platform can help you solve your biggest payments challenges.
Why choose PayNearMe?

More Payment Options

National Cash Network
Simple Implementation

Trusted Partner

Secure & Compliant