Disbursements for Mortgage Servicing

Fast and secure digital disbursements

Say goodbye to paper checks. Disburse funds quickly and securely with PayNearMe’s Digital Disbursements Engine—now available with ACH, debit, PayPal and Venmo.

Upgrade how you disburse funds back to customers

Sending payments to customers by check is slow, expensive and manual. PayNearMe’s Digital Disbursements Engine is a modern, elegant way to streamline escrow refunds, overpayments and other payouts that mortgage servicers need to send.

Digitizing the disbursements process creates a better experience for customers, giving them access to their funds without waiting for a check and taking a trip to the bank. In addition, mortgage servicers can simplify backend operations, automate processes and simplify reconciliation and reporting.

Send funds faster Arrow
Disbursements can be made in near-realtime via debit, Venmo and PayPal, or overnight via ACH.
Go paperless Arrow
Complete the end-to-end disbursement process without the need to mail checks.
Reduce compliance risk Arrow
Enable customers to input payment credentials themselves, minimizing compliance scope.
Stay secure Arrow
Include multiple security checkpoints to reduce the risk of fraud and entry errors.

Disburse to more payment types

Meet changing customer expectations by offering more ways to quickly disburse funds.
Debit Card
Bank Account
PayPal & Venmo

Experience the PayNearMe difference.

PayNearMe is the award-winning platform that makes payments easy, flexible and reliable for you and your customers. Request a personalized demo to see how our platform can help you solve your biggest payments challenges.

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More reasons to love PayNearMe

More payment options
Accept cards, cash, ACH and popular digital wallets in a single platform.
Accept cash at retail
Allow customers to pay bills with cash at tens of thousands of participating retail locations.
Integrated with your MSP
PayNearMe is integrated with Black Knight MSP and other popular mortgage servicing platforms.
Modern, reliable tech stack
Zero-downtime maintenance and releases keep you up to date, secure and online.
Reduce Compliance Scope
Push-to-consumer payment links and more self-service channels reduce call center volume and compliance scope.
Highly configurable
PayNearMe can be configured the way you want to simplify operations and optimize the payments experience.

See PayNearMe in action

Experience the PayNearMe difference with an interactive demo.
Schedule a demo