
New Feature: Understand How Your SMS & Email Programs Are Performing

Platform Updates
August 20, 2020
SMS email reporting

Every day, more companies are making the switch to electronic bill payments to satisfy customers and lower costs. With online bill pay comes better oversight of the way customers are interacting with your brand, and ultimately, making their payments.

Take pay by text and email, for example. These popular payment channels allow customers to feel confident paying bills online and lead to increased self-service. When a customer receives a direct payment link, the payment process is simple, fast and secure.

But while many companies are excited about these new payments methods and believe they’re working well, few can track the accuracy of how these payment channels are really performing.

The same is true for other customer communications by text or email, whether that’s payment reminders or location updates (e.g. holiday hours). Are you tracking the effectiveness of your customer engagement programs, and how is this impacting your overall customer communications strategy?

What Communications Reporting Can Do for Your Business

If you aren’t tracking the impact your text message and email customer communications are having today, it’s a good idea to start! Here are some of the ways better tracking and reporting can help you improve your chances of getting in front of your customers and drive on-time payments.

  • Provide a ‘lifecycle’ view of the messaging to and from the customer. For example, Did the customer open the engagement link and pay right away? Do some customers open the link (resulting in order confirmation text) but then never follow through to pay?
  • Confirm which customers are receiving (or not successfully receiving) communications and follow up to update contact information, as needed.
  • Confirm which customers have blocked text message or email communications and choose other ways to reach them.

Once you have this type of information, you can adjust your messaging, frequency of communication and send lists to make powerful changes to your response rates.

PayNearMe Introduces Reporting

With PayNearMe’s new Message Status Reporting feature, you can track which customers have received text messages (e.g. payment links, reminders, etc.) and measure the success of these communications.

This allows you to gather intelligence on how your emails and texts are driving consumer payments behavior. The reporting happens directly in the PayNearMe platform, so there’s no need to open another program to view results or invest in an additional text messaging solution.

To experience how PayNearMe’s reporting features can help your business make more informed decisions, request your live demo today.

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