
Want More Flexible Customer Communications? Try PayNearMe Engagement Engine

Platform Updates
September 4, 2020
engagement engine
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In today’s bill pay environment, communicating with your customers at the right time, with the right message—and the right options—is crucial to encouraging on-time payments and maintaining your reputation for great customer service. 

But customer service interactions no longer have to happen solely on the phone or through the mail, or even through email and text. As the payments space continues to evolve, you now have even more opportunities to get in front of your customers through added mobile options. 

Smarter Messaging with PayNearMe Engagement Engine

PayNearMe Engagement Engine allows you to configure what types of messages you want to send, when you want to send them and how you want to send them. Everything is scheduled, automated and configurable, with endless possibilities for configuration and automation. 

The feature lives in the PayNearMe platform, so there’s no need to invest in third-party integration or switch platforms for managing engagements or reporting. And, personalized links can be inserted into consumer communications for one-click payments, with no login information required. 

Here are a couple of our favorite ways you can use PayNearMe Engagement Engine to drive better payment outcomes.

Push Notifications Via Digital Wallets

Text message and email communications allow you to reach customers where they are, with timely reminders to help them take action on the spot. But not all customers prefer text and email notifications for important payment reminders and other communications. This leads some customers opting out of these messages and, ultimately, missing payments. 

Wallets are included as part of a mobile device’s operating system, making them a stickier option for customers who may already be using them for concert tickets, airline passes and more. And, push notifications are less obtrusive because consumers are used to receiving them from any app they download. If you really need to communicate something important to customers (e.g. a bill is overdue), push notifications are a great way to get in front of them in a smart new way.  

Wallet cards offer the ability to act as a “living” billing statement, providing consumers  full control of their payments experience. By offering this type of service to your customers, you open up a new channel for payments, information and communication. 

PayNearMe Engagement Engine allows you to send push notifications to customers who add your billing information to their Apple or Google Pay wallet. You can choose to send push notifications as your primary communication channel, while defaulting to SMS or email for those that have not added your card to their digital wallet.

When customers receive tailored, customized communication, they feel their business is important to you, and their satisfaction increases. Giving customers the ability to manage their payments via their native wallet application removes the need to download an app and lessens the possibility of your message going unseen. 

Customize Messages to Your Customers

Personalization and customization aren’t only great for customer satisfaction; they’re good for business. For example, if a customer speaks Spanish, it makes sense that he receives his communications in Spanish. This provides the customer greater ability to self-service and reduces (or even removes) the need to call an agent to make a payment.

The more you can personalize messages to your customers, the more efficient your business will be.  Perhaps you want to send out a payment reminder three days before a payment is due or contact customers whose payments are now overdue to make sure that customers can complete their payment obligations. But you could also take things further, with more specific  communications around holiday office hours (based on location) or create special offers for  historically on-time payers. 

PayNearMe Engagement Engine

To best tailor your messages to your audience’s preferences, you’ll also need to understand how these messages are performing. If you see a large number of opt-outs after a particular type of message, for example, consider tweaking that message or removing it from your send list in the future. You can also test different messages to find out what’s resonating with your audience. 

Engagement Engine allows for a high level of personalized and customized messaging out of the box. These messages and rules can be setup once, and then operate in the background to help you drive more efficient collections efforts.

Get Started

Like all features in the robust and flexible PayNearMe platform, Engagement Engine communications are built around you. Book your demo to see how Engagement Engine can help you reach your customers at the right time, with the right message. 

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