When your customers prefer cash to pay their bills, your organization should streamline their experience by enabling a pay with cash online option. Learn how.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has reminded lenders and financial institutions of the importance of having a business continuity plan. But more specifically, it’s showing that we also need specific plans for critical functions of the business. How will you run your business if you can no longer get paid?
The following excerpt is from an interview between Dan Dolev, Research Analyst at Macquarie and Danny Shader, CEO of PayNearMe at The Montgomery Summit 2020. The video has been uploaded to YouTube and included below, courtesy of The Montgomery Summit and MontyTV.
One of the most important decisions to make when choosing a payments partner is understanding your card processing options. Understanding which pricing models are available and how they’ll affect your rates can make a big difference in your bottom line, especially if you’re dealing with slim margins. And while many models exist, most payment processors will offer three popular choices: interchange plus, fixed rate and tiered pricing. Let’s dive into all three and see which is the best fit for your business.
Consumer lending is a changing landscape in 2020, with the rise of fintech and other key technological concepts. Take a look at the consumer lending industry trends for 2020.